Fate or Free Will? what would you choose, do you think you are choosing how you want to live your life? or is it just fate that your are where you are now? I believe in Fate. Manyt people believe in Free Will because people have there own decision on to choose between two things. If they either want to go, well lets say the path on the left or the path on the right. A Person has the ability to choose between the two paths. But Schick has good reason to say that, even though we have a choice it was our destiny or it was our fate to choose that path either the left or the right. We arent really free if our life has already been written we are just following the "story". A person can not escape thier destiny or fate. I believe in fate for the fact that when i was younger i would high grades to go into a good university a four year college to takr up Archetectury. Since i started my freshmen year in high school, I would work my butt off, study, do homeworks, etc, but graduated with a 75.98 avg. and wasn't accepted to any of the four year colleges. That is why i believe that my life will take its own course evenm if i choose between one thing or the other.
How will we know what is and isn't fate and not just the choices we make from the start because of free will?