Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blog 10

Something that has happend to me everytime i need to write a research paper i would always hit a road block. I would seem to forget everything that i wanted to put in the paper or i wouldnt know the format of how to put it together. These are probably some issues that some writers go through. Another problem that some research writers seem to face is the topic that they might want to write about but there isnt enough information on that certain topic to write a full length paper on. These are just somethings i face when i have to write a research paper. A way to try to solve it is when you hit a road block, i would relax and take a breather re-read what i have wrote so far and see if anything comes to mind. Look back at the reasearch i've done and see if i missed anything that i wanted to include. I would also try to look for as much information as possible before writing on the a topic with limited information. Even the little things that you don't think matter they might help in the long run.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog 9

So far me and my partner Daniel have created our blog for our final project to keep a log of everything we do and our process on our project. We have came up with the idea of making a music video, we are not sure of the type of song it would be, we were planning about issues tht acure world but we will break down to probably to some topics one of the few might be child abuse, rape, and drungs. These are just some of the topic we are thinking about to put in the music video. For now we are tryuing to figure out the topic of the song before we get to ahead of ourselves. We plan to show videos of the situation that ouccrs in the song.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Essay Rewrite

On pages 61-61 Garcia and Sanford use the terms “Source” and “Ontological Status” to distinguish between what is real and what is unreal or imaginary. Garcia and Sanford use Metaphysics to find out what is real and unreal. Metaphysics being the study of what is real and what is knowable, a study beyond time and space.
The term Source is defined in the book (The Matrix and Philosophy) as where everything began from. “We know the sources or causes, for many of the thing in the real world”. Like we know that the Matrix program is being controlled or was made by the machines outside of the program”(p.61). “We know the humans beings born in the city of Zion come from their parents”(p.61). This states that we know the Source for the humans beings, being born, is their parents. Where it all began or started.
Garcia and Sanford also use the term Ontological Status it is also used to distinguish between what is real and unreal. Ontological Status is (p.61) “ the way things exists”, the way something lives or the way something is taking into a person mind to make that something seem real. Another way to define it is Dependence. When something depends on something else. In the book page 61 it states that “ the real world in the movie The Matrix, does not depend on something else for its existence”. Meaning if it doesn’t depend on anything then it is real. As for the program it is dependent on the machines to keep it running and to keep on feeding it different programs and electrical signals for it to run. Pages 61-62 “even if the real world was dependent od something, the Ontological status of the unreal world can seem to be weaker”. Meaning that a world that depends on something else, like another world, then that makes it weaker because it is dependent on a world outside of its own. If the real world in The Matrix was dependent on a world outside of its own then that makes the program the machines built more weaker, making it less real.
I think that with Garcia’s and Sanford’s assessment is like a 50/50 thing it can go both ways. Reasons being because I am real, a real human being because I come from my parents as Garcia and Sanford said babies are born from their parents, making them a source and making me real. But if I am Dependent on my parents to support me, nurture me, and to protect me until I am old enough to do it on my own, does that make me unreal? Garcia and Sanford did say that if something is dependent on something else then it is unreal or less real.
I personally don’t agree with their assessment because like I said before I am dependent or was dependent of my parents, I know I am a human being and I am real because I was born from m parents so their assessment is confusing. Another thing is the earth it is dependent on the sun to keep it warm and to keep it from drifting away out in space, but the earth is real, there is nothing beyond the sun but space dirt and darkness. Confusing right well that is why I don’t agree with their assessment.


A physical boundary for me would be my skin for a start. Going passed it would be invading my personal space for say. A boundary I extended outward, like when your in your own home your skin is extends to the walls the walls are a similarity to your skin no one can get in unless you let them in. Like in the book Me++ by William J. Mitchell states that people biuld houses and buildings without realizing that it the outward extent of our skin. A major connection that people use mostly are the computers in their apartments, the computer can be considered a major part like the brain. The brain holds alot of information like a computer. There are other things like the radio and iPods and many other things .Like television is like our visual aspect of the world while sitting at he doing nothing. All these things penetrate our boundries. I myself use these networks often computers iPods and t.v like 85% of everything I do.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog 7

The essay and the power point for the media mid-term was not easy...i needed to do alot of research to get all the information i needed. i would have to spend hours looking for info...mostly new info because the topic i had to do had limited information. i would check many diffrent sites. if i had to rate my efforts to making this essay the past i could i would give myself an 8 from a 1-10. But on a scale from 1-10 raiting my final product i think i got a 5 or a 6 not to good......