Monday, November 9, 2009


A physical boundary for me would be my skin for a start. Going passed it would be invading my personal space for say. A boundary I extended outward, like when your in your own home your skin is extends to the walls the walls are a similarity to your skin no one can get in unless you let them in. Like in the book Me++ by William J. Mitchell states that people biuld houses and buildings without realizing that it the outward extent of our skin. A major connection that people use mostly are the computers in their apartments, the computer can be considered a major part like the brain. The brain holds alot of information like a computer. There are other things like the radio and iPods and many other things .Like television is like our visual aspect of the world while sitting at he doing nothing. All these things penetrate our boundries. I myself use these networks often computers iPods and t.v like 85% of everything I do.

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